Cervical Cancer Screening




Cervical screening test

Cervical screening, or a “smear test”, is a way of checking for the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus) in the cervix (the entrance to the womb) in order to prevent cervical cancer.

Certain types of HPV can cause changes to the cells in your cervix.

If you don’t have HPV present, no other tests are needed, but you will still need a smear every 3 years.

If HPV is found, then the sample taken from your cervix is checked for any changes made to the cells. You will need either treatment for this, or have more regular smears.

Image of a screening appointment

You cannot have a smear if you are on your period.

The test is done by the practice nurses, is very quick and you may feel just a little discomfort if anything at all.

If you’re not sure when you are due a smear, please call reception who will be happy to advise you.

Please look at the NHS website for more information and if you have any symptoms you are worried about, please book an appointment with the GP.

 Cervical Screening - NHS


Macmillan cancer support

Do you have any questions about cancer?

You can visit their website, or call 0808 808 000 free (Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm).