Social Prescribing




Supporting You With Your Wellbeing

Do you need help with:

  • Introductions to clubs, social and activity groups
  • Access to counselling and befriending services
  • Support and care at home
  • Overcoming loneliness and isolation
  • Dealing with grief and loss
  • Ensuring you receive all your benefits and entitlements
  • Accessing work, training or education
  • Housing support
  • Low level mental health support

image of a social prescriber


A Social Prescriber Can Help You (or the person you care for):

  • By listening and discussing your needs and any worries
  • Advising you about and connecting you with services available from ourselves, NHS, other charities, agencies, volunteer groups and Coventry City Council 
  • By working alongside GP practice staff to provide “non-medical” options to assist with your health, wellbeing & social needs

Please ask for a referral through your GP or Reception Team. 

Find out more about Social Prescribing on the NHS Website


This service is provided in partnership with Coventry Primary Care Network Groups